Sunday, June 1, 2014

Sex now has a referee!

Interesting times these we’re living in fellow humans. We continue to amaze and shock the Great Supernatural out of His skin. At the pace we’re moving at, nothing can possibly stop us except the man above us himself pulling a Sodom and Gomorrah stunt upon doomed us! Like I always say, speaking about what seems to be neglected and considered a taboo among us African species of humans is my delicacy and I cringe not. I’m the minority. It is one of qualities, speaking where the majorities mark their territory and despite the tantrums thrown at me, I always feel satisfied having had my say amongst those wanting to have their way. It’s okay to be of the dissenting opinion as long as it is for the good.

This is why I dive into the murky pool of this sensational topic that we humans love to dine in, in confides of our bedrooms or otherwise in whatever caves we want to hide in to partake of this rite as long as nobody sees us. Again, this is how it should be. Sex is not a discussion about how to salvage ourselves from the economic challenges that plague our country or how to liberalize ourselves from political immaturity that we have to discuss in our national radio stations early in the morning as we report to our places of work. Yes! I’m talking about the juicy and sensationalized discussions that our Kenyan radio stations have to serve us early in the morning as other breakfast. Tune in into most of these FM stations in the morning and there you will have a battle of titans sort of, radio presenters jostling for the ultimate position of a champion on who’s better in matters of extramarital sex.

I’m in no way suggesting that people shouldn’t discuss sex, but the forum, timing and execution of this topic is where these FM station presenters and whoever allows them, in the name of media err. Sex is no longer sacred folks! It’s now who gets it in all sizes and shapes. Apparently, the ideal Kenyan FM station has assumed the role of a referee and continues to break the rules of the game without consequence either from patrons or principals. As if the wound is not paining enough, the public service vehicles have turned advocates and only a few of them have their radios tuned to something else besides sex, who’s cheating on who, who conquered the best, whose wife has kids with another man besides her husband, whose husband performs better in bed than the other and all that jibe.

In the evening and at rush hour, the story repeats itself and my ears are about to collapse over this. Critics of my message will say, I should find something else to do or go and hang but I shall continue to drum the message as long as the mountain remains still. Our future generations, our little kids, while they board the public service transport, gradually continue to be intoxicated with these messages while the referee continues to run the game regardless. “Where are the ears that don’t want to hear evil, the hearts that want to do good and the mouths that want to spread it?” are lines of a certain artiste which resonate well to this message. Although people are actually becoming immoral by the day and I dare not deny the fact that we are no saints, I believe the discussion should not be about who did what or is doing what with whose husband or wife behind whose back but how to salvage our once mannered approach to morality. The FM stations should seize this practice of blowing the whistle for the bad ill mannered game to begin but practice being advocates of resolutions, ambassadors of promoting family values and society norms. Until then, Kenyan FM Stations are officially the new referees of an immoral game baptized by city slangs from lungula to sekete, from kachipo to kalollipop and whatever! What the heck! Who are we people?! I don’t know us anymore!

Compiled by tickler
Son of ‘the unquenched’
Rights Reserved

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