Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Grand Finale

The Grand Finale
Under their feet, deep under, the iron fist,
A colonial master, a power imposter,
An Englishman thrived, a slave trader,
Kenya once a colony, entangled by trader,
She’s the eastern ace, once humbled by master,
Beckoned rude awakening over master,
Twentieth Century, Sixtieth third year, twelfth December,
Independence and self rule was the grand finale.

A long walk to freedom, torturous as was,
Salute for the kings, the jungle warriors,
Legend has, and history too remembers,
Our Mau Mau veterans, freedom fighters,
Triumph over colonial monster, the trophy, own masters,
Honor for them kings, the nation makers,
Salute for the iconic leader, Kenyatta, the kingmaker,
Hoisting of Kenyan own flag, was grand finale.

Turning our heads, o’er the shoulders, success,
We crawled, now we walk, and without recess,
In the spirit of Harambee, reigns o’er challenges,
Economic progress, by far, and without digress,
Sweet taste of freedom, fruits suffice,
Once muzzled, and once a novice,
Political gains, democracy, now emergence,
It’s a voyage well on course, towards a grand finale.

While I take stock, can’t help but smiles,
Our voyage, the Kenyan worth, extends miles,
Exit the medieval laws, a new constitution rules,
Fifty years after independence, we command presence,
Destination, our vision and jubilation of essence,
External forces of impediment, retaliation to face,
Self rule, own rules, our new tradition is own justice,
Sovereignty at fifty, grand jubilee begins another grand finale.

Compiled by tickler,
Son of the unquenched
Kevin Murungi
©Rights Reserved
(Celebrating Kenya @50, the grand jubilee after self rule)

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