modern day human of either gender cannot fathom siring or bearing a dozen of
children let alone three of them. This is why I confess to having a lot of
respect for one man by the name of “Akuku Danger” who defied all
odds and defeated the norm. For those who do not know him, he was Kenyan
presumably of a community referred to as Luhya. The more than six feet giant,
not only did he sire a dozen of children but more than a hundred of them.
Additionally, his physique allowed him to marry as many women as possible to
achieve this end. Need I mention that marrying even a single woman if you are
the monogamous type requires fulfilling your conjugal and family obligations?
Imagine then a scenario where a herd of them is involved. Since I do not hail
from his community, I do not know neither how the name came about nor do I know
its meaning. Since I have a gift in speculating, I could do so in this
instance. If you consider the name Akuku and go further to eliminate the
first vowel in the name, you form the name “Kuku” which is Swahili for
chicken. I do not therefore need to explain how fowls behave in relationships,
sex and marriage if these aspects exist in their cluster. The name “Danger”
is self explanatory if you learned some English in school. Thus the name “Akuku
Danger”! I
am not writing this however; to scrutinize the man “Akuku Danger” and
may the Great Supernatural rest his soul in eternal peace. I am here for the
character and to qualify what it entails being of “Akuku's” ilk. You may
not have the potential or the will and desire to sire hundreds of siblings or
marry a herd of women albeit being an “Akuku”.
such man that I believe is an “Akuku” is my friend Nyakundi alias Nyash,
the accounting wizard who finds mathematics interesting and satisfying. Despite
the fact that he is caught up by lapse of time appropriate to form a coalition
with a woman in holy matrimony if not traditionally, Nyash continues to
ride in his pride as a successful senior bachelor. He should be marking his
forty fifth birthday in a couple of months yet he believes he has a lot of time
at his disposal to run around with young women suitable as his own children. He
says he isn't ready to marry at least not now, but in future. Future?!. At
forty five years of age, I am perturbed and curious to see the future he refers
to. Nyash suffers from sex withdrawal disorder if not a disease. He says
lack of sex makes him feel similar to how he feels if he failed to drown his
throat with beer cocktails over the weekends. He is married to beer!
buys sex just like he buys beer over the counter. His typical weekend is
characterized by sex, beer, and a sound of “mugithi”. For the sake of
foreigners, “mugithi” is a type of music that emanates from the sound of
a guitar, strummed by the singer while spitting comical lyrics which at times
could be strictly suitable for adults due to their lewd nature. In most
occasions, it is enjoyed by beer revelers. While under the influence of “mugithi”
and clenching a bottle of beer in his hand, Nyash shops around the dance
floor for suitable and consenting sex vendors. While going around in his window
shopping, he spanks women's bottoms and touches unpleasantly in all forbidden
quarters thus explaining why on Mondays his face appears swollen and dented
from the slaps he receives from unwilling victims. He calls the process testing
have seen women of all sizes, ages, shapes, and appearances emanate from Nyash'
house in the wee hours at break of dawn every Monday morning after he leaves
for work. I do not rule out the possibility of them being his relatives.
However, I have tried building up a family chain to relate them to my friend
and I couldn't come up with a decisive family tree suitable in an ordinary
family setting. I have therefore confirmed they are sex vendors. If they are
family, then surely, Nyash has a peculiar one comprised of females only,
of all ages, sizes and shapes. I therefore tend to predict how my good friend, neighbor
is likely to die. I can figure out three ways. One of them is contracting a
sexually transmitted infection probably a “kaswede” or “kamdudu”.
I can assure you that, at the rate at which Nyash gets sexually involved
and variety that comes with the indulgence, if he caught a sexually transmitted
infection it wouldn't auger well with him. He is likely to acquire for himself a
hybrid drug resistant “kaswede” or a hybrid drug resistant “kamdudu”
if not both hybrids. Furthermore he likens condoms to socks and never imagines
using them.
other possible cause of his death could be an accident. He is likely to
overturn his vehicle that he ironically uses over the weekends and die with it,
while driving under the influence of “kanyuaji” alias beer coupled with
distractions originating from the perk of women that he carries in it in doing
the business of sex vending since intense haggling is involved along the way. The
most interesting of all accidents that could occur to him is being knocked to death
by a moving vehicle or falling off a footbridge while crossing the road. This
is because of his uncouth behavior of staring and drooling at women. It is
impossible of him to walk past a 'suggestively' dressed woman without twisting
his neck as he turns his head to stare if not halting halfway across the road.
He then whistles and nods before walking away in disbelief and utter greed. He
knocks other pedestrians, poles and walls if not falling into a ditch or
climbing city council trash bins and pavements.
transmitted infections and accidents notwithstanding, the wrath of an angry mob
could possibly descend and perch on him anytime. The mob could emanate from the
public, sex vendors or other sex buyers, his competitors in the business of
buying and hawking sex. The public is likely to vent anger upon him by accusing
him of spoiling their daughters and setting a bad example to children in the
community. Worse could be indulging with school girls under the legal age. Since
Nyash is an accountant and a keen manager of figures, his stinginess for
money insights him to refuse settling debts that accrue from services rendered
by his sex vendors. They are likely to be aggrieved and form a lobby union
against their employer and collectively descend on him and send him straight to
the grave. If he survives their wrath, he wouldn't suppress the venom of bitter
rivals whom he has in many occasions snatched their women out of their
possession. They are likely to descend upon his bald head with bottles of beer
and spill his brains out and about. Either of these ways, Nyash' brains
could soon be doing accounting mathematics in another planet, probably hell or
paradise if the Great Supernatural finds in his mercy to pardon him. He is “Akuku”
in a different skin!
by tickler
of the Unquenched
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